Sam I Am was once a schoolyard dog..and was living happily with his pals finding tidbits the teachers threw away from their lunches... and then lying around in the shade exchanging dog tales....till one day his happy lazy days came to an end when a kindhearted old school teacher decided it was time for this mutt to become a proper gentleman . Of course, being prim and proper she could not tolerate a flea-bitten, starving, mangy, mongrel in her home. So before he knew what was happening one day she snatched him up and tossed him into her pickup truck and hauled him off to the vet, Dr. Stringer, who transformed this pitiful pup into an elegant piece of royalty....which did not come easily...because he first had to bathe him, shave his dirty coat to treat the mange, and do all the other things a dog has to endure when exposed to a very dedicated veterinarian. Well, Sam recovered surprisingly well and entered into a whole new life with his new mistress who vowed she would indeed convert him into a gentleman. After his visit to the vet, his name also was changed to Sam I Am Green Eggs and Ham Rockefeller because of course vets don't exactly perform their duties free....as Miss Apple, his mistress explained to her teacher friends.
To make a long, long, long story short, Sam survived living with Miss Apple and grew to love the old lady...although he never quite became the 'gentleman ' she had hoped for, but she did not complain for after all just how much can be expected from a schoolyard dog.